Elements - System Administrator and User Guide - Hosted
Transaction Detail Report

The Transaction Detail Report provides a detailed listing, by user, of the transactions entered on loans within a specified date range. This report also indicates the Transaction Type that was used.

Access to this report is controlled through administrator-defined Security Profiles.

The report is generated with the following filters.

Filter Description
Transaction From Date Use the calendar icon to select the start of the date range to include in the report results. Transactions that occurred since this date are included in the report results. By default, NULL is selected to include all dates in the report results.
Transaction To Date Use the calendar icon to select the end of the date range to include in the report results. Transactions that occurred until this date are included in the report results. By default, NULL is selected to include all dates in the report results.
Entered From Date By default, the first date of the current month is populated in this field. If desired, use the calendar icon to select a new date to serve as the start of the date range to include in the report results. Transactions entered into Elements since this date are included in the report results.
Entered To Date By default, the last date of the current month is populated in this field. If desired, use the calendar icon to select a new date to serve as the end of the date range to include in the report results. Transactions entered into Elements until this date are included in the report results.
Entered By From the drop-down, select the users to include in the report results. By default, all users are selected.
Transaction Type From the drop-down, select the Transaction Type to include in the report results. By default, all transaction types are selected.
Transaction Types are configured in System Management > Collection >Transaction Codes.

Change any of the filters and click View Report to regenerate the report using the new parameters.

Refer to the Reports in Elements topic for information on the report's toolbar.



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